lördag 1 juni 2013

I never told you to be nice

{When you start looking down, it's hard to look up again. I want to stay up in the air rather being down like this. }

I colored my hair during the Thursday, it's now a beautiful redish color that glows in the sun... :) I'm always so careful not to loose too much of the color in my hair every time I wash it, hopefully it won't fade away too fast now! :D

onsdag 29 maj 2013

So pale

This song is very beautiful, though the title is a bit subjective but whatever. The video is also something worth watching, I love this game so much. :) Today I finally got my new glasses, and they were much bigger than I thought, awesome. 
Maybe I upload a picture on them... but not now. :)

New sweater, loooooove it!!!!! Could practically live in it if I could.... < <'

Tomorrow the hair is going to change, cut cut cut... ~ 

måndag 20 maj 2013

Strawberry Avalanche

Listening to Owl City now, preparing for a new day tomorrow. Mom and I made these pancakes with apples the day before the school hike, and I suggested to add some strawberries since I'm a strawberry freak. :)

fredag 17 maj 2013

I belong with you. You belong with me.

Went to the market this weekend with my best friend. ^^ First time ever I ate crepes, I fell for it immediately haha!

I played with the iPhone during the break, I love my shoeeees because they're higher than usual sneakers which makes me not as short anymore... ^w^

söndag 12 maj 2013

Slowly dancing in a growing nature

Holding the sun with one hand.... try beat that. 

Went outside today for thinking and for some photographing. Actually, it wasn't intended to be any good shots since I went out because I needed to let myself breath and think in a silent and peaceful environment. Nature is such a wonderful place, why can't I appreciate it more?

torsdag 9 maj 2013

Keep quiet about it

There was a time when I felt that being in love was the biggest mistake in life. I still think so, but I've lost control over my actions. I act without thinking, without knowing the repercussions. The thoughts won't go away unless I try hard. And running away from you seems like a good option, but it's not what I truly want.